2019 Surplus Funds Expenditure
At the end of 2018/19 the parish council held surplus funds of £19,400. In order to consider the way in which these funds would be spent, the following where taken into consideration:
- RoSPA Report 2019 that highlighted the need for the removal of the existing climbing frame which was failing in many areas in terms of health and safety. An Awards For All Grant of £10,000 has been received and to replace the old climbing frame there is a shortfall of £978.
- The cemetery plan has highlighted a need for a turning circle on the cemetery as currently the funeral cars are unable to turn around when it is muddy
- A survey of the Junior Playing Field has been carried out by three different gardening companies and several trees have been identified as either dead or diseased and in need of trimming or felling
- A defibrillator has been donated to the village and as there are two others in place at residential locations it was felt that there is a need for one to be installed at the entrance to the playing fields. As there is no power source at the playing field, a new power source will need to be installed.
- One of our councillors has raised approximately £400 to put towards a new commemorative bench for the war memorial and a further £600 is needed to make the purchase.
- In order to reduce the parish councils carbon footprint it is felt that converting the lights in the village hall to LED will help towards this. It will also reduce the electricity bills in the long term.
As these are all small projects it was felt that public consultation was not required. However, each item has been placed on a full council meeting agenda and members of the public are invited to discuss any items during the public forum.
The total amount of expenditure can be seen in the attachment entitled Surplus Spending.