
Holton Le Clay Neighbourhood Development Plan

On completion of the Village Referendum in May 2021 - The policies in the Neighbourhood Development Plan 2021 will be used by developers and Holton-le-Clay Parish Council in preparing and responding to planning applications and by the Local Planning Authority in assessing them. All development over the plan period will maximise the well-being and safety of residents and the environmental assets in and around Holton-le-Clay, maintaining and improving access to the countryside and open spaces for residents. We would like to thank all the Villagers who made valued contributions, with a special thanks to school children whose wonderful pictures, poems and ideas have helped us to create our community’s future vision for the village of Holton-le-Clay. Holton-le-Clay Neighbourhood Development Plan has been prepared by a dedicated team of volunteer villagers and endorsed by Holton-le-Clay Parish Council. The Holton le Clay NDP Jan 2021 document is found in the Referendum Documents folder.